5 Type of Sweet Wines for the Sweet-Toothed

5 Jenis Anggur Manis & Rekomendasi Produknya!

Not all wines taste sharp and sour. There is such a thing as sweet wine, the opposite of dry. Find out more about this sweet wine types here!
3 Differences Between White Rum and Dark Rum

Apa Itu White Rum & Dark Rum? Ketahui Perbedaannya!

Originating in the West Indies around the 1600’s, rum is now a popular liquor around the world. Do you know the difference between white rum and dark rum?
Serve it Up: Six Ways to Enjoy Whisky

6 Tips Menyajikan dan Menikmati Whisky

Rasa dari minuman keras bukan hanya dipengaruhi oleh proses produksi dan penuaan. Faktanya adalah, banyak hal berdampak pada rasa dan aroma dari mi...
What is Bourbon? How Is It Made & What Does It Taste Like?

Apa Itu Bourbon Whisky? Kenali Rasa & Kadar Alkoholnya

Sebagian besar dari minuman keras berasal dari satu bagian dunia, lalu tersebar ke negara-negara lain melalui migrasi para biksu, tentara yang berp...
5 Recommended Recipes for Popular Vodka Cocktails

9 Cocktail Vodka Terbaik, dari Klasik Hingga Sedang Trend!

Vodka is the perfect liquor for your next event. Get creative at home with these popular vodka cocktails you can fashion on your own!
What is Shōchū? Get to know this Japanese beverage

Apa itu Shōchū? Kenali Lebih Jauh Tentang Minuman Khas Jepang Ini

Shōchū is a Japanese alcohol that has been distilled from either rice, sweet potatoes, barley or other ingredients, from chestnuts to carrots. Find out more!
4 Differences Between Cheap and Expensive Vodka

4 Perbedaan Antara Vodka Murah dan Vodka Mahal

Vodka berasal dari beberapa bagian Eropa Timur, seperti Rusia dan Polandia. Faktanya, banyak daerah penghasil vodka tradisional yang masih membuat ...
7 Common Misconceptions Surrounding Vodka

7 Kesalahpahaman Umum Seputar Vodka

Rumor tentang vodka telah menjadi perbincangan konstan selama berabad-abad! Sementara beberapa orang percaya bahwa vodka dibuat murni dari kentang,...
Brandy vs Cognac: Which Reigns Supreme?

Brandy vs Cognac: Mana yang Paling Unggul?

Brandy encompasses any distilled fruit juice, but Cognac, a brandy from France's Cognac region, is unique. Discover the beauty of this spirit and its French counterpart!
Differences Between Gin vs Vodka, and Their Similarities!

Perbedaan Antara Gin vs Vodka, dan Persamaannya!

Discover the difference between gin vs vodka, and also what makes them similiar. Find out more in this articles!
Everything You Need to Know About Liqueur

Semua yang Perlu Anda Ketahui Tentang Minuman Keras

Explore the world of liqueur - a flavorful blend of spirits and flavorings. Discover its role as a digestif and cocktail ingredient in this guide.
How is Vodka Made? from Preparation to Distillation

3 Proses Pembuatan Minuman Vodka

Pembuatan minuman keras selalu melewati dua proses: fermentasi dan distilasi. Vodka termasuk jenis minuman keras, jadi mudah untuk diasumsi bahwa p...
7 Misleading Alcohol Myths and the Truth Behind Them

7 Mitos Seputar Minuman Alkohol Yang Menyesatkan!

You may have heard multiple sayings surrounding alcohol that you just accept to be truth. Check this to know the myths and truths behind alcohol!
Discover Soju: The Trending Korean Drink!

Mengenal Soju: Minuman Korea yang Sedang Tren!

Discover the explosive popularity of Soju, Korea's social drink taking the world by storm. Learn more about its history and why it outsells even vodka and whiskey!
The History of Vodka: Origins, Taste, & How to Make It

Sejarah Vodka: Asal-usul, Rasa, & Cara Membuatnya

Vodka adalah minuman yang tidak disukai banyak orang. Selama ratusan tahun minuman ini telah menjadi favorit di Eropa Timur, dan dalam satu abad te...
Rum 101: A Beginner's Essential Guide

Rum 101: Panduan Lengkap untuk Pemula​

Jika Anda menyukai pina colada dan kehujanan, atau penggemar film Pirates of the Caribbean, Anda pasti sudah tidak asing lagi dengan Rum. Minuman k...
What Makes a Good Whisky?

Apa Saja Kriteria Whisky Berkualitas?

Pecinta whisky maupun pakar minuman telah mencoba mendefinisikan apa yang membuat sebuah whisky disebut bagus dan berkualitas.  Banyak hal yan...
A Brief History of Vodka and Its Origin

Apa Itu Vodka? Ini Bahan, Kadar Alkohol, & Sejarahnya!

Staple at every bar, liquor store, and college party, vodka is the neutral-tasting liquor everyone gravitates towards. If you are new to vodka, you have to know this!
New-School Cocktail Recipes You Need to Try

Resep Cocktail Kekinian yang Perlu Anda Coba

Jika Anda bosan dengan cocktail lama yang sama yang tampaknya ada di setiap menu bar, maka Anda perlu mencoba cocktail yang lebih baru dan trendi i...
The History of Sake Production and Its Origin

Sejarah Produksi Sake dan Asal Usulnya

Sake is the most notable alcohol to come out of Japan in the past century. But do you know the history of it? Find out its origin and how it was invented!
Where Does Tequila Come From & What Does It Taste Like?

Dari Mana Tequila Berasal & Seperti Apa Rasanya?

Tequila tampaknya menjadi minuman beralkohol favorit semua orang. Minuman ini menjadi yang paling terkenal di klub, bintang margarita dan bahkan me...
Single Malt and Blended Whisky: What’s the Difference?

Perbedaan Whisky Single Malt dan Blended

Dengan banyaknya jenis-jenis whisky yang ada, sulit untuk mengingat detail dari setiap jenis. Dari scotch yang klasik ke whisky Jepang yang langka,...
Whisky and Food Pairing: Your Comprehensive Guide

3 Tips Mencocokkan Whisky dan Makanan

Biasanya, hidangan makan malam atau brunch disajikan dengan wine. Tapi alkohol yang bisa dikonsumsi dengan makanan bukan hanya anggur ya!  Apa...
Does Whisky Get Better & Stronger With Age?

Apakah Semakin Tua Whisky Rasanya Semakin Enak?

Many believe that alcohol improves with age, but does this apply to whisky? Let's find out if whisky gets better and stronger with age.
9 Types of Whisky: Bourbon, Scotch, Single Malt & Irish

9 Jenis Whisky, dari Scotch hingga Single Malt!

Discover different types of whisky, from bourbon to Scotch, along with their product recommendations that are available in Minuman.com
We're Open! Minuman.com’s brand new superstore is your go-to spot for all things booze

Halo! Superstore baru Minuman.com adalah tempat yang tepat untuk Anda mencari segala hal tentang alkohol!

Kami dengan senang hati mengumumkan bahwa superstore minuman.com pertama kami telah dibuka! Sekarang Anda dapat berbelanja di toko fisik kami yang ...
What is Wine Scores? Learn Its History & How to Use It!

Mengenal Penilaian Down Score Pada Wine & Sejarahnya

The wine score meant to classify the wine based on a ranking system. Let’s take a look into the complexities behind wine scoring!
How to Choose the Right Bottle of Wine?

Cara Memilih Botol Untuk Wine dengan Benar

To meet whatever needs you have, you’re met with infinite choices. Here are some key things to remember when considering which wine to purchase!
4 Tips for Pairing Wine with Asian Cuisine

4 Tips Memadukan Wine dengan Hidangan Asia

Who says you can’t start a new trend? For your next meal, why not try to ecall the basic tips of food and wine pairing, and apply them to Asian dishes?
3 Health Benefits of Wine & Its Recommended Products

3 Manfaat Wine untuk Kesehatan

It’s been long considered that wine is beneficial for cardiovascular health. But is that all? These are some healthy goodness from drinking wine!