How Different Alcohols Can Make You Different Kinds of Drunk

Raise your glass to a world of libations where every sip takes you on a unique journey of emotions and experiences. From the enchanting allure of vodka's carefree mischief to the unforgettable amnesia of tequila-fueled nights, the choice of your spirit can transform an ordinary evening into an extraordinary adventure.

Whether you find yourself under the spell of wine's soothing embrace, dancing to the rhythm of beer's nostalgia, basking in whisky's night-long confidence, or surrendering to gin's perilous fun, each spirit promises its own intoxicating tale.

Rum brings a carefree attitude to the table, while champagne is the quintessential companion to celebrations – albeit with the price of an infamous hangover.

So, as you embark on your spirited soiree, let us be your guide to navigating the unpredictable world of alcohol, one drink at a time.

Vodka: Everything feels like a good idea 

If you're drinking vodka tonight, get ready for a camera roll full of photos and a phone buzzing with confused text replies.

With a 40% alcohol content, vodka has the knack to make you think texting everyone in your phone contact is a perfect idea!

Stay off vodka if you want to be making good decisions, but if you’re looking for a night of easygoing mischief, that bloody mary is the way to go!

Vodka available at

Related Article: 7+ Best Vodka Mixers You Should Try!

Tequila: Don’t expect to remember anything the next day

Tequila or amnesia? This spirit is going to keep you up all night, but get you questioning your friends the morning after.

Tequila makes you lively and energetic, so it's a great way to stay awake, however it's likely that you won’t remember a thing the next day!

All the better, having a margarita at dinner with friends is a great way to have fun and keep conversations going for hours.

Tequila available at

Wine: Time to relax (and possibly fall asleep)

Feeling like it's time for bed after that glass of merlot? Wine is perfect for a relaxing evening with your partner, a dinner party with friends, or just an evening to yourself!

That glass of red may be the reason you’re feeling calm, euphoric or even a little bit sleepy, so it’s not the pairing with a night out. Why does wine make you feel drowsy?

The alcohol in wine actually slows down your neurons, which explains why it can alleviate anxiety. After a long day of work, a glass (or two) of wine can help ease your stress - and get you in bed before 9pm!

Wine available at

Related Article: A Guide to Choosing the Right Wine for Any Occasion

Beer: You’ll feel 18 again

Beer and nostalgia go hand-in-hand. Be prepared to feel like you’re in highschool all over again! Beer can make you feel flustered but relaxed, a little bit euphoric and maybe a bit dazed (and confused).

You’ll probably start the night off thinking “I’m just having one”, but soon you’ll be singing the words to every old classic that comes on the radio!

A good craft beer, however, has a higher alcohol content, so be ready to feel quite peppy after only a pint or two. 

Beer available at

Whisky: Confidence for days

Feel like dancing the night away, talking to every person you meet and acting like you’re the best looking in the room? Whisky will give you this (and more).

Confidence, but also drowsiness are the main symptoms of whiskey drunkenness.

The drunk you get from whisky also increases exponentially, so that extra glass at the end of the night is going to do a lot more than the one at the beginning of the night did!

You’ll have 10 more friends that you did the day before, and possibly a bit of a stronger hangover, but your night-long confidence will make it all worth it.

Whisky available at

Related Article: Six Ways to Enjoy Whisky

Gin: Fun and danger

Gin will make you everyone's best friend, but maybe not your own! You’re going to be mischievous, entertaining and very reckless when you drink gin, which can make for a great night out with friends.

A good quality gin is also less likely to give you a bad hangover, due to its lack of a compound that gives you that pounding headache the morning after. So drink that negroni and have an eventful night out!

Gin available at

Rum: Not a care in the world

If you’re feeling wound up, and tired of your own worries, rum is the way to make that all go away. It will make you feel carefree, appearing nonchalant to everyone around you.

Interestingly, rum is one of the oldest spirits in the world, originating in the Caribbean. However, be careful with which rum you’re drinking; some Jamaican rums have a 60% alcohol content!

Darker hued spirits, such as rum and whiskey, can give you a much tougher hangover that feels impossible to beat. 

Rum available at

Related Article: A Beginner's Essential Guide to Rum

Champagne: Celebrations (and extreme hangovers)

Champagne is a symbol for celebration- you’ll often find it at birthdays, parties and, of course, new years! Drinking champagne can make you feel euphoric, excited and energetic.

It's fizzy, tasty and so much fun - what more could you want? Unfortunately, this fun will be gone once the hangover sets in - champagne is infamous for giving the worst hangovers.

This is due to the carbonation in champagne, as sparkling alcohol can lower blood hydration and give you that nagging headache. However, champagne can still make for a great, celebratory night, so drink away!

Champagne available at

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