Sunkissed Natural - 甜玫瑰红葡萄酒 - 750ml

Merek : Douglas Green
Kategori : 葡萄酒
Negara : 南非
Ukuran : 750毫升
Sub Kategori : 桃红葡萄酒
Variasi : 玫瑰

售价IDR 260.000
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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Ruchira K.
A gem and a serendipitous finding

I bought this wine once simply because it's name's personal relevance to me, as my Scottish girl friend's middle name is Rosalie, meaning Rose, and we have plans to have a daughter together, who we are going to call Rose!

I did not know what exactly to expect when I first bought it, and was taken by surprise eventually to find how great my choice was - Hence the title 'a serendipitous finding'.

I am no veteran in wine tasting, just beginning to grasp the basics of appreciating them, but this Rosé wine's fruity taste and flvour I feel is unparalleled by any other Rosé wine in the same price range, making it one of my preferred Rosé wines.

I was never much into sweet wines, but this one has changed my perception and preference for sweet wines, as it is just enough fruity without being too sweet for liking.

If I've got my basics right it's light bodied, something I would have preferred a slight change in - I wonder if it could be made slightly heavier, not too much though?

Me and my girl friend have plans to venturing into producing a new wine with higher alcohol content but not acidic, to be promoted as a health drink!

Yes, you heard right. Alcohol, contrary to traditional beliefs, could be beneficial to your body, particularly to your brain, as it has empty calories (calories sans nutrition) that could be readily absorbed from your stomach without having to undergo a digestive process like other food items, thus readily making available calories in the blood stream, particularly to be used by the brain - Hence alcohol could be a "Brain Fuel", that could promote neurogenesis in the brain when taken in appropriate amounts, that could treat imbalances in hemispheric other comparative maldevelopments between different parts of the brain, promting a balanced neurocognitive development that could be therapeutic and health promoting, according to some new ground breaking research work we have been working on, with my girl friends mom, Valerie Curran, who is a Professor of Psychology at University College London (UCL), soon to be promoted to be its Vice Chancellor (I hear).

Additionally despite being light bodied this Rosé wine seems to be either not acidic or has very little acidity - another plus, and a very economically priced making it ideal to be considered as a therapeutic beverage, when appropriately consumed with the instructions of a qualified professional. It's high affordability, make it accessible to larger section of the population who may benefit from consuming it as a health drink.

All in all it's a rare gem, a serendipitous finding for the above mentioned personal reasons.

Oh! Almost forgot, I just love the logo too - the English Hat - Simple & Elegent, goes well with the brand and the tagline. If I am to make newer healthier wine out of it like I have mentioned above I'll make a small change to the name and logo, I'll change what's in Orange to PINK! as Sinhalese (my native language) name for pink is Rosa!

